Dealing with the elderly in cases of anxiety!
Most of us know the unpleasant feeling caused by worrying and frightening thoughts. Anxiety is actually the body's natural reaction prepared to prepare it to deal with a crisis. It is a tool for the body and mind whose purpose is to survive in various situations, prevent danger, and overcome crises safely.
Therefore, short-term mild anxiety is a normal and even beneficial phenomenon in many cases. But when anxiety becomes chronic and not properly controlled, we can call it an " anxiety disorder ." These feelings then make daily dealings difficult, harm the quality of life, and can also lead to depression. Anxiety disorders are also common among the elderly and the good news here is that effective diagnosis, ongoing support in dealing with the elderly, and treatment can restore life to its normal course, even in this complex stage of life.
How common are anxiety disorders in the elderly?
Anxiety disorders in the elderly are very common. Studies show that about 20% of older adults suffer from anxiety disorders to varying degrees.
Reasons for anxiety in the elderly:
In general, anxiety disorders in the elderly have factors that focus on three main areas:
the health:
Studies show that older adults show signs of concern about their health. They tend to fear a decline in their functioning and illnesses that may prevent them from being able to live and function independently. In addition, diseases common in the elderly such as dementia, heart disease, and stroke are directly related to anxiety symptoms.
Financial independence:
Another cause for concern in the elderly is the economic issue. Surveys and studies indicate that in the elderly there is increasing concern in many cases about economic independence, children's income, and the possibility of living without a real ability to work.
daily stressors
Tasks such as caring for a sick spouse, death of a family member or acquaintance, family disputes, inheritance issues, social relationships, and difficulty adjusting to changing life circumstances can all exacerbate anxiety symptoms.
What are the physical symptoms of anxiety disorders?
- Difficulty breathing, rapid breathing
- fast heartbeat
- dizziness
- headache
- Dry mouth
- Insomnia
- Anorexia
What are the psychological symptoms?
- gloomy thoughts
- nervous
- Feelings of helplessness, guilt, and fear
- Lack of sleep or hypersensitivity
- confusion
- Difficulty concentrating
- uncomfortable
- Tendency to isolate
Strategies for dealing with anxiety in the elderly
Persistent anxiety disorders not only negatively affect the quality of life but also pose a threat to health, especially at an advanced age. Here are some strategies for dealing with anxiety conditions in the elderly, independently and with the help of family members.
It must be ensured that the doctor knows the problem and understands its impact on the daily life of the elderly, and family members should provide support in dealing with the elderly, listening, hosting, and using encouraging words, and not ignoring warning signs or abnormal behavior.
Older people with anxiety disorders find it difficult to make decisions, even simple everyday decisions. Here comes the role of family members to support and encourage any decision-making, from where to eat lunch to where to choose a nursing home.
It is recommended as much as possible to accompany the elderly family member to places of concern, such as medical examinations, law office, dental clinic, etc., and help them prepare and deal with any such case.
Accept the fact that people with anxiety sometimes don't keep their promises. A person with an anxiety disorder experiences a lot of hesitation and often vows to do something and regrets it after being frightened.
anxiety treatment
Today, anxiety disorders can be effectively treated, even when it comes to the elderly.
Psychotherapy: Conversational therapy can greatly help elderly people with anxiety disorders. In psychotherapy, patients receive the tools to change their thinking patterns and thus change their behavior about anxious thoughts.
Pharmacotherapy: It is common today to provide pharmacotherapy to elderly people who suffer from anxiety. Although at this age the treatment should be more careful considering the general medical condition and the interaction of antidepressant or anxiety medications with other medications, nevertheless, it is very effective.
Elderly patients with anxiety are usually treated with antidepressant medications, which also can treat anxiety conditions. This treatment should be continued over the long term and allow for a significant improvement in quality of life. Another method is anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines, which are used for topical treatment of anxiety conditions and even relieve sleep disturbances.