
Dear: Social media negatively affects your mental health


Dear: Social media negatively affects your mental health

With the increasing use of social networking sites recently, we see a lot of pictures of perfect girls, but does this affect the viewing woman?

Dear: Social media negatively affects your mental health

A new study warned that women's use of social networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram for only one hour may reduce their self-confidence significantly.

The study indicated that this is due to these women wondering about their appearance compared to the pictures of girls on the Internet, which increases the psychological pressure on them, and they start resorting to solutions that help them lose weight and tan or buy a lot of clothes, for example.

To reach this conclusion, the study targeted 100 women and asked them to determine the number of hours they spend using Facebook and Instagram.

The main researcher in the study, Dr. Martin Graff, explained many years ago that the ideal woman's image is the weak one, and now this image has been strengthened after the use of social networking sites as well.

Not only that, but women are comparing themselves to their friends' pictures on social media, despite using the features of changing the colors and shapes of pictures available on the Internet.

The researchers emphasized that the time that women spend using these sites also affects the reinforcement of this negative feeling for them, and therefore using social networking sites for at least an hour may cause an increase in the risk of depression in these women.
