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Diarrhea This term is used to refer to the product of bowel action (stool) that is watery and loose in character. This phenomenon is very common, but it does not pose a threat to life.
Most people have diarrhea, on average, once or twice a year.

In most cases, diarrhea lasts for two or three days, and diarrhea is generally treated with over-the-counter medicines.
People are suffering from diarrhea caused by the syndrome of irritable bowel  (colon irritable syndrome - IBS - Irritable bowel syndrome) or as a result of another group of chronic intestinal diseases.

Various cases of diarrhea

Doctors usually divide cases of diarrhea into three groups:

  1. Osmotic diarrhea: This means that something/agent is drawing fluid from the body into the intestines. A common example of this is diarrhea caused by eating diet sweets or chewing gum, which contains sugar substitutes, such as sorbitol, which is not absorbed by the body and causes the body to secrete fluids inside the intestine, resulting in diarrhea. 
  2. Secretory diarrhea occurs when the body secretes fluids into the intestines without it being needed. There are many types of infections (infections), medications, and various diseases that can cause this type of diarrhea.
  3. Exudative diarrhea (bloody diarrhea): occurs when there is blood and pus in the stoolThis type of diarrhea appears in patients with intestinal inflammatory diseases, such as Crohn's disease (Crohn's disease) or ulcerative colitis/festering (Ulcerative colitis) and in the various intestinal infections.

Diarrhea symptoms

Diarrhea symptoms

Symptoms associated with diarrhea can be divided into two parts: mild diarrhea (not severe) and acute diarrhea.

The onset of acute diarrhea may be an indication/evidence of another, more severe, and serious illness.

Signs of acute diarrhea can include:

  • Abdominal distension or intestinal cramps
  • loose stools
  • watery stool
  • Feeling of urgency to work in the intestines
  • Feeling sick and vomiting

In addition to the above, symptoms of acute diarrhea may also include the following side effects and effects:

  • The presence of blood, saliva, or food that has not been properly (incompletely) digested in the stool
  • Weight loss
  • fever

Diarrhea causes and risk factors

The most common cause of diarrhea is a virus (virus) that infects the intestines. This inflammation heals automatically, in general, after two or three days is called, sometimes, "cold (flu) intestine" or "cold stomach" (or: gastroenteritis - Gastroenteritis).


Diarrhea may also be caused by:

  • Infections caused by a germ (the main cause of most food poisoning cases )
  • Infections caused by other organisms
  • Eating foods that cause allergy (allergy) to the digestive system (the digestive system is sensitive to it)
  • Allergy to certain types of food
  • some medicine
  • Radiation therapies (Radiotherapy)
  • Intestinal disease, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis
  • Intestinal failure (when the body is unable to absorb certain foods effectively)
  • Overactive thyroid (Hyperthyroidism)
  • Certain types of cancer
  • Misuse of some diarrhea-causing substances
  • Gastrointestinal surgeries
  • Diabetes (Diabetes)
  • Competitive running
  • Diarrhea can also occur following constipation, especially in people with irritable bowel syndrome, which is one of the causes of diarrhea that is important to know.

Complications of diarrhea

Persistent diarrhea causes a loss of large amounts of fluids and essential nutrients for the body.
If a person has loose, watery stools more than three times a day and is not drinking enough fluids, they may become dehydrated, which can lead to severe, life-threatening complications, if not treated properly.

In the event of persistent diarrhea accompanied by one of the following signs and symptoms, the attending physician should be informed:

  • dark urine
  • Small amounts of urine when urinating
  • rapid heart rate
  • headache
  • dry skin
  • Feeling restless and restless
  • Confusion and confusion

Diarrhea in children

It may be diarrhea in children, which led to drought, accompanied by one or more of the following signs and symptoms:

  • dry mouth or tongue
  • Two sunken eyes or cheeks
  • Interruption or drop, in the number of tears
  • A drop in the number of wet nappies
  • Restlessness or indifference
  • The skin remains wrinkled after pinching, rather than returning to its smooth normal.

Diarrhea treatment

Treating or relieving diarrhea When someone has mild to moderate diarrhea, they can wait for it to clear up on its own and not try to treat diarrhea by other means, or diarrhea can be treated with over-the-counter medicines.


There are several medicines known to treat diarrhea such as:

  • Pepto Bismol
  • Imodium A - D
  • Kaopectate

Which can be obtained, collected, in the form of liquid or tablets (pills). It is important to read the instructions included in the package of the medicine.

Diarrhea treatment tips

Some methods that can help treat diarrhea include:

  • You should drink at least six cups of liquids, each of 250 milliliters, per day
  • You can drink juice without fruit pulp, meat sauce, soft drinks (without caffeine), chicken soup (without fat), tea with honey, and energy drinks.
  • Instead of drinking drinks together with food, you should get used to drinking them between meals
  • Drink small amounts of fluids daily.