Drying facial pills: recipes and medical and natural methods

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Drying facial pills: recipes and medical and natural methods

Face pimples are a common and annoying phenomenon, so what are the medical and natural methods that may help to dry face pimples? The answer is in the following article.

Face pimples are a common and annoying phenomenon, so what are the medical and natural methods that may help to dry face pimples? The answer is in the following article.

In the following, we will learn about a variety of different ways to dry face pills from medicine and nature.

Drying facial pimples using natural ingredients

These are the most prominent natural ingredients that can be used to help dry up facial pimples:

1. neem leaves 

The topical application of neem leaves may help dry the face pimples with frequent and regular use, and the use of these leaves may also help prevent the formation of facial pimples in the first place, as neem leaves have natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and neem may help clear the skin. from excess sebum. 

To take advantage of neem leaves to dry face pimples, these leaves can be used in several ways, as follows: 

  • The first method: A handful of neem leaves is boiled in a little water, then the water is filtered from the leaves, and when its temperature drops, it is used to wash the face.
  • The second method: Crush a handful of neem leaves with half a tablespoon of turmeric, then apply the mixture of turmeric and neem to the area affected by pimples, and wash the skin after a third of an hour.

2. Witch hazel 

It is possible to resort to witch hazel as one of the methods of drying natural facial pills, as this type of natural material may help: dry the excess oils in the skin, resist infections, and speed up the recovery of the skin.

To benefit from witch hazel in this regard, all you need to do is put a few drops of witch hazel liquid on a small cotton swab, and then pass this cotton swab on the pimple affected area. 

3. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can be used as one of the natural ingredients that may help dry up facial pimples, and one study showed that this oil may help fight acne with an effect similar to that of benzoyl peroxide.

To take advantage of tea tree oil to dry the grain, one of these methods can be used:

  • Method 1: Dip a small cotton swab in a mixture made of one drop of tea tree oil and two drops of grapeseed oil, then pass the cotton on the pimple.
  • Method 2: Mix two drops of tea tree oil with your face wash or facial moisturizer that you use regularly as part of your skincare routine. 

Note: It should be noted that some people may occasionally react to tea tree oil, so please use caution.

5. Other recipes

Using these natural ingredients may also help dry up facial pimples:

  •  Baking soda: Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with drops of water, then distribute the baking soda mask on the face, and wash off after a quarter of an hour. 
  • Lemon juice: A small amount of lemon juice diluted with water is applied directly to the blister several times daily. 

Drying facial pills using medicines

It is possible to resort to some therapeutic and pharmacological methods to help dry the face pills, but it is preferable to consult a doctor about their use, as some of them require a prescription. Here is a list of the most prominent of these drugs: 

  • Medicines that may not require a prescription 

like the following:

1. Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide may help dry out pimples because of its potential to fight bacteria, slow sebum production in the skin, and speed up the skin's healing process.

Benzoyl peroxide can be used to dry up acne in several ways, such as: 

  • Use a face wash that contains benzoyl peroxide. 
  • Apply benzoyl peroxide topically to pimples before bed at night.

2. Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid may help dry up pimples because of its potential to break up blackheads and whiteheads and reduce inflammation and swelling.

It is possible to benefit from salicylic acid to dry up pimples by applying it topically to pimples before going to bed at night, but this acid should be used in moderation and not excessively on the face.

3. Other medicines

like the following: 

  • Medicines containing sulfur.
  • Topical retinol, which is available in gel or cream form.
  • Prescription medicines 

like the following:

1. Azelaic acid

Azelaic acid may help dry and fight acne due to its potential to reduce bacterial growth, reduce sebum production, and strengthen certain skin cells. 

Azelaic acid exists in several different pharmaceutical forms, one of which can be chosen, such as ointments, and gels. 

2. Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives may help fight acne by reducing the production of certain male hormones, but this medication is sometimes used to treat acne only in women.

3. Other medicines

like the following:

  • Some types of antibiotics. 
  • Retinoids, which are medicines derived from vitamin A
  • Isotretinoin medication.

Drying grains with medical treatments in the clinic

These are some of the other treatments that the patient may be subjected to in the doctor's office sometimes to dry up and treat facial pimples:

  • Laser treatment.
  • Chemical peeling.
  • cortisone injections.
  • Surgical removal of some types of stubborn pimples.