
Tongue infections: the most important information

Tongue infections: the most important information

There are many causes associated with tongue infections, which must be prevented through some correct daily habits. What are these reasons? What are the means of prevention and treatment?

Tongue infections: the most important information

The tongue is one of the sensitive parts of the body, so it is prone to infections, and prevention measures must be followed to protect it from ulcers and various infectionsFind out all the details in the following article.

Causes of tongue infections

There are several causes that lead to tongue infections, including:

  • Mouth exposure to fungal or bacterial infection may occur due to a lack of attention to the hygiene of the mouth, teeth, and gums.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: As digestive disorders can directly affect the tongue.
  • Anemia: As a result of a lack of proper nutrition, and then the tongue is more vulnerable to being affected by any external factors that affect it, such as infection and bacteria.
  • Dry mouth: It is a pathological condition in which the secretion of saliva decreases, and thus the tongue also becomes dry, which increases the chances of infection.
  • Iron deficiency and vitamins: a lack of iron in the blood leads to inflammation of the tongue, and a deficiency of vitamin B12  leads to an increased risk of infection of the tongue.
  • Eating foods that increase inflammation: An allergic reaction occurs in the tongue, such as spicy foods as well as very hot foods.

Symptoms of tongue infections

In the case of glossitis, a group of symptoms appears, namely:

  • Swelling in the tongue: This can be easily noticed when looking at the tongue, and some swelling and ulcers appear on it.
  • Pain and tingling in the tongue: It is normal for the patient to feel pain in the tongue and itching and burning as a result of these infections, especially when eating or drinking.
  • Change in the surface of the tongue: the shape and size of the small papillae on it change, and we can notice redness of its color as well.

Tongue infection treatment

After the appearance of any of the symptoms of tongue infections, you should visit the doctor to find out the causes, as he will examine the tongue and take a sample of saliva to make a test for it or take a blood test.

Then he will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment for the problem, which is:

  • Take some remedies

If the problem is minor, the treatment will be through drugs that help reduce inflammation and eliminate it with time.

They will determine the drugs according to the cause of the infection, whether they are antibiotics, antifungals, or antivirals.

  • Take nutritional supplements

If the cause is a lack of important nutrients and malnutrition, the patient needs to take nutritional supplements.

The doctor will also advise focusing on foods that contain elements that the body lacks.

Prevention of tongue infections

To avoid infection of the tongue, it must be protected from the causes of inflammation and the following methods of prevention should be followed:

  • Oral and dental hygiene

​​It is necessary to avoid infection with bacteria and viral infections, it is necessary to wash the teeth well and rinse with mouthwash.

Also, the instruments used in the mouth must be clean and sterile, and only personal items must be used.

  • Drinking water

Water is very important for overall health. A person needs water to hydrate the mouth and tongue, especially if they are dehydrated.

  • Proper nutrition

​Proper nutrition and eating meals with integrated elements help prevent tongue infections because the main causes of tongue ulcers and infections are directly related to the foods we eat.

The most important foods for maintaining a healthy tongue are iron-rich leafy greens, protein-rich foods such as beans and lean meats.

  • Avoid hot and spicy foods

Because it increases the chances of infection in the mouth and tongue, and it also affects the digestive system.
