What are the side effects of coconut oil for the skin?

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What are the side effects of coconut oil on the skin?

Coconut oil is commonly used to improve the appearance and health of the skin, but what about the side effects of this oil? Is coconut oil really bad for the skin?

What are the side effects of coconut oil on the skin?

In the following, we will introduce you to the fact that coconut oil is harmful to the skin, and some important information that you should know:

Coconut oil side effects for skin 

The use of coconut oil for the skin can cause many symptoms and side complications, such as:

1. Allergy 

One of the possible harms of coconut oil to the skin and body is that it may trigger the emergence of allergic symptoms, especially in people who are allergic to coconuts, such as the following symptoms and complications:

  • Various skin problems, such as annoying skin itching, redness of the skin, a feeling of burning in the skin, skin irritation, hives, and skin rashes.
  • Contact dermatitis and these are some of its symptoms: a red rash that may be punctuated by blisters and blisters, a rash from which some liquid secretions may come out, skin softness, and local pain in the skin.

It is also possible for this type of allergic reaction to arise in people who are allergic to 

walnuts or hazelnuts, as they may also be allergic to coconut oil.

2. Clogged pores

Coconut oil is one of the natural oils that may cause pores to clog (comedogenic), especially since this oil may be difficult for the skin to absorb and benefit from.

When coconut oil is applied to the skin, the oil may infiltrate the hair follicle openings in the skin, causing clogging, and the oil may accumulate on the surface of the skin without being absorbed to form an insulating layer that may allow bacteria and dead skin cells to accumulate inside the pores, which may lead to Different types of pimples, such as:  

  • fungal acne ;
  • Conventional pimples are black or whiteheads. 

People with oily skin and people who are prone to clogged pores and breakouts, in general, are among the most vulnerable to this type of coconut oil damage to the skin.

3. Coconut Oil Damage to Other Skin 

The use of coconut oil for the skin may also cause the following:

  • Give the skin a greasy and shiny look.
  • Stimulating eczema.

4. Coconut oil damages the body 

Some may try to obtain the benefits of coconut oil for the skin by eating it or adding it to their diet, and taking coconut oil orally may increase the chances of developing many health problems, such as high levels of bad cholesterol, heart disease, and stroke.

How can coconut oil damage to the skin be avoided?

To try to avoid coconut oil damage to the skin, experts recommend the following:

  • Avoid using coconut oil on the skin of the face if the skin is naturally prone to the appearance of pimples, and only using coconut oil on the skin of the body.
  • Make sure to test the skin reaction to coconut oil before using it on the skin, by putting a little of this oil on a small area of ​​the skin first, especially when used by people with oily or sensitive skin. 
  • Use only high-quality, organic coconut oil. It is also preferable to use cold-pressed coconut oil, as some low-quality coconut oil may contain chemicals that are harmful to the skin.
  • Avoid using coconut oil as a moisturizer for the skin as much as possible, as oils such as jojoba or argan may be a better option, and trying to use coconut oil in other ways may reduce its impact on the skin, such as using it as a makeup remover.
  • It is enough to use only a small amount of coconut oil on the skin without excessive.
  • Avoid the use of coconut oil by these groups: people with sensitive skin, people who use long-term antibiotics, people with weak immune systems, and people who are allergic to coconut oil. 

Coconut oil benefits for skin 

Apart from the benefits of coconut oil for the skin, here are some of the potential benefits of coconut oil for the skin:

  • Moisturizing the skin, as coconut oil may help reduce the amount of fluid that the skin can lose, which contributes to locking moisture in the skin.
  • Reducing skin infections, and resisting some types of bacteria that may be present on the skin.
  • Ridding the skin of toxins, by resisting free radicals that may cause damage to skin cells.
  • Promote collagen production in the skin, and lighten skin pigmentation.

Here are some of the skin problems that coconut oil is believed to help combat: acne, signs of aging skin, and eczema.

Most popular coconut oil
