Tongue ulcers: what to do when you get them?
The tongue is one of the muscular parts of the mouth that are important for eating, swallowing, and speaking. It is a pink organ covered with mucous tissue that carries on its surface small papillae that give it a distinctive texture and contain taste buds inside. The tongue may suffer from many problems that are not considered chronic, such as tongue ulcers.
What are the types of tongue ulcers?
Tongue ulcers can be classified into two main types:
Painless ulcer
Painless ulcers appear as red bumps on the tongue that quickly disappear, and are usually caused by a lack of vitamin B12, folic acid, or iron.
It can be treated by making up for the deficiency in these elements, but you should see a doctor immediately when it stays for a long time.
painful ulcers
Painful ulcers appear as red bumps on the tongue and sides, which quickly turn into yellow areas surrounded by red inflammations.
The painful ulcer causes severe pain to the patient, especially when eating spicy, hot, and sour foods.
Usually, the causes of these ulcers are unknown, but studies have shown that they may be due to nervous tension, anxiety, some genetic diseases, and diseases of the nervous and digestive systems.
What are the causes of tongue ulcers?
Many reasons lead to the appearance of tongue ulcers, here are the main ones:
- Aphthous ulcers, a type of ulcer whose cause is unknown.
- Not paying attention to oral hygiene.
- The tongue has been hit or cut with an object.
- Food allergy, especially raw vegetables, and fruits.
- Deficiency of some important elements for the body, such as B12, iron, and zinc.
- Use mouthwashes that cause allergies, especially those that contain alcohol.
- Quit smoking, as this causes some sores to appear, which quickly disappear.
- Tension and stress.
- Fungal and viral infections.
- Infection with some diseases, such as burning mouth syndrome, neuralgia, lichen planus, and Behçet's disease.
- Take some medicine.
- In some cases, cancer is a rare cause.
Methods for treating tongue ulcers
The treatment of tongue ulcers depends on the cause of it, and many methods can be followed to treat tongue ulcers, such as:
- Use lidocaine ointment, which helps relieve pain when applied to the affected area.
- Take vitamin B12 supplements.
- Drink enough fluids because dehydration can make the condition worse.
- Use some home remedies, such as aloe vera gel, honey, coconut oil, rinse with water and baking soda, and rinse with water and salt.
- Use a steroid medication to speed up the healing of ulcers after consulting a doctor.
- Use of antibiotics in some cases and antifungals and after consulting a doctor.
- Resorting to surgery if the tongue ulcers are chronic.
How to prevent tongue ulcers
Maintaining the health of the mouth and tongue and monitoring any changes that occur to them may contribute to treating any problems that may occur to the tongue, including:
- Maintain oral health and hygiene by brushing teeth at least twice a day.
- Make sure to visit the dentist at least once every 6 months.
- Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol, especially for people with sensitive tongues.
- Avoid foods that cause irritation and sensitivity of the mouth and tongue.