Bridal makeup: learn to do it yourself!

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Bridal makeup: learn to do it yourself!

Bride's makeup seems to you the work of professional people only? not exactly. If you want to save money and hassle on your wedding day or a relative's wedding, it might be worth considering doing your own makeup. Here we provide various tips on how to apply your own makeup by experts in the field of bridal makeup.

Bridal makeup: learn to do it yourself!

Are you afraid to spend a lot of money on the bride's professional makeup on the wedding day? Are you afraid that the result will not be what you like? That can be understood. In the end, a wedding is a stressful event that makes us feel a lot of frustration and many moments of anxiety. End of fears! Show a little initiative and determination and do your own makeup on your wedding day. It will save you a lot of problems.

However, doing the bride's makeup for the wedding is not a simple challenge. Why? Because on the one hand, you have to look pretty, glamorous, and basically subtle throughout the wedding day, and on the other hand, you don't want to put a thick layer of makeup on your face that will make your groom run screaming. So what do you do? Is bridal makeup the work of professionals only?

Bridal makeup: a glamorous and long-lasting look in just a few simple steps

 Here are some tips to help you apply the perfect makeup without having to apply a lot of colors like circus players or a lot of layers of makeup.

basic makeup

Before you begin, apply anti-glare cream to the chin, nose, and forehead, and moisturizing cream to other areas of the face.

Are you in your 20's or 30's? Keep the look natural and lustrous with transparent or semi-transparent colors.

Are you in your 40s or older? Keep a moderate look with the use of one-color makeup.

The key to looking good and staying beautiful throughout your wedding day lies in the way you apply your concealer and foundation. Make-up experts recommend using two types of concealer over a foundation of two different colors, one of which acts as make-up and the other as a highlighter. 

A highlighter is a cream or powder that gives radiance and shine to the skin and is often used to highlight certain areas of the face such as the cheekbones. Do not apply makeup too generously, use the minimum amount necessary.

Apply concealer under the eyes to the reddish or darkest areas of the face to even out skin tone. Use the highlighter around the eyes, brow line, around the lips, on the sides of the nose, and in the crevice of the chin. Gently apply the highlighter layer with a brush designed for the concealer and the highlighter. Apply with a makeup sponge. The sparkle and bright color that arises, as a result, will allow you to use less makeup.

You don't have to spend money on professional bridal makeup? Apply your own makeup

Use a semi-transparent foundation that matches your skin tone, but apply only a small amount, excessive use only highlights skin imperfections and does not hide them. Use cream-based or stick makeup for normal or dry skin and matte liquid makeup for oily skin. An important rule that makeup experts recommend is to use five drops of makeup all over the face - on each cheek, on the tip of the nose, the center of the forehead, and one on the chin - after you've done this, set the tube aside and wipe the makeup you put on your face so that it merges with the skin

the eyes

Experiment with eyelashes to add drama to your look. A great way to achieve a "stardom" look is to use false eyelashes. However, using false eyelashes is something to try before the wedding day. To create a natural look, buy eyelashes attached to a clear tape and clip them to eye length. If you are using individual eyelashes and not those arranged on a strip, be sure to place them on the outer edges of the eyes to 'lift' the eye.

For a youthful, radiant look (if you are under 40), you may want to use the shimmery cream shades that have become very popular lately. Among these, there are two that look great on every skin tone: light purple and golden-bronze. Purple is used to highlight the cheekbones and brow line, as well as as a light base under the eyes. Bronze has many uses, from highlighting the lines of the cheekbones and jaws to creating a beautiful bronze color, to adding depth to the eyelids.

Use three shades: light, medium, and dark. Apply the lighter color to the eyelid, starting from the lash line to the brow line. Apply the moderate color in the crease above the eyelid or just above the crease. Apply the dark color to the outer corner of the eye or use it as an eyeliner. It is important to remember not to cover the whole eye with kohl or a pen unless God has blessed you with big eyes. Because the eyes surrounded by a line simply look smaller.

Apply two layers of waterproof mascara to your eyelashes. For a beautiful and elegant look, apply more mascara near the base of the eyelashes and a little more mascara near the tips. Info: Dark blue mascara accentuates the white part of the eye.

Trim the eyebrows professionally about a week before the wedding day and check if some hair grows two days before the wedding. It is not recommended to pluck the eyebrows on the morning of the wedding day itself, so as not to cause irritation or redness in this area.


To keep lips soft and ready for the cameras at every moment, start by applying a little lip liner. Use a brush to apply a little of this substance to the hand and then apply it with your finger on the lips by gently stroking it. Don't apply too much so the lipstick doesn't crack. Next, apply a little concealer or highlighter to your lips.

Unsure about lipstick color? Don't choose a color that is so strong that it attracts all the attention from your eyes. Use deep, rich colors like brown-lilac, deep purple, or classic red.
