Fitness exercises with the ball

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Fitness exercises with the ball

We may practice fitness exercises with the ball, but we do not realize its importance and benefits, as it may help in strengthening the muscles and the body. These exercises require a degree of concentration and maintaining the stability of the ball. How can you do fitness exercises by relying on the ball?

Fitness exercises with the ball

Some may neglect the importance of physical fitness exercises, as they help maintain healthy body weight, and improve mood and health as well. Exercising with Fitball is an important part of fitness training in general, as this exercise moves the body similar to the natural daily movement. These exercises depend on the stability of the ball, which helps in activating and activating the muscles and their ability to stabilize the ball, in coordination with some movements where the body’s nervous and muscular organs interact. Fitness exercises using the Fitball exercise include operating the abdominal and back muscles naturally and healthily, and the movement of the abdomen and back is close to the natural daily movement.

Some individuals may face difficulty in applying this exercise and using the ball, as the degree of difficulty increases at the expense of the quality of movement and this is not recommended. Therefore, to preserve your health, you must obtain the necessary instructions to do this exercise correctly and by a professional trainer. To get a good workout, and reach satisfactory results, we put in your hands some tips that trainers give you to practice fitness with the help of the Fitball exercise ball. So what are these tips?

Abdominal muscle strengthening exercises 

This exercise can be applied through the following points:

1. Abdominal bending exercises while lying on the Fitball exercise ball. This is done through:

  • starting position:

Lie on the Fitball exercise ball, placing the feet on the ground and in an obtuse position, where the arch of the waist, i.e. the lower back on the exercise ball, as well as a certain part of the end of the chest area, and the hands are clasped behind the head. The pelvis should be raised so that the body is as far as possible facing the ground

  • the exercise:

The head and shoulders should be raised and the spine bent. The height should be small so that the ends of the shoulder boards are always on the ball. The pelvis should not be lowered when raising the head and shoulders.

  • Diagonal position:

This position occurs after twisting the spine and extending the hand diagonally towards the opposite thigh of the foot, and the other hand remains to support the head. The hands are replaced and alternately done from one side to the other. It must be ensured that one hand always supports the head.

2- Strengthening the abdominal muscles with the support of the forearm 

  • starting position:

The exercise ball is placed in an area facing the wall, and you are standing in an area facing the ball. The forearm must be supported on the wall and the fingers of the hands interlocked. This movement is similar to the previous starting position, which is the lying position of the abdominal muscles, but this time on the forearm. Therefore, you must maintain the position of the natural arch of the waist, and not allow the back to fall down.

  • the exercise :

You must stay in the support position for a period of time ranging from 10 to 30 seconds, as the abdomen is brought inward a little, and the natural waist arch is maintained. In the case of feeling pressure on the lower back, stability should be corrected or the duration of the exercise should be shortened. This exercise can be repeated several times.

3- Strengthening the diagonal abdominal muscles by lying on the back 

  • starting position:

Lie on your back, with your feet on a Fitbit exercise ball at a 90-degree angle. The ball must be pulled towards the thighs so that it is attached to it from the back. The hands are open towards the sides and slightly below the level of the shoulders, and the palms of the hands are towards the ground to help. This exercise helps improve stability.

  • the exercise:

As you bring the ball toward us, the ball should be rolled to the side about halfway, about 45 degrees off the ground, back to center with the belly gathered and exhaled. And then we do the same thing in the other direction, where the inhale occurs as the feet are lowered towards the ground, and then the air comes out in the form of exhalation and returns to the center. This exercise must be repeated 10 times in each direction.

Exercises to strengthen the back muscles and improve stability 

These exercises can be applied through the following:

1. Sleeping on the stomach and on the ball.

  • starting position:

Sleeping with the back curved and in a circle, with the abdomen and lower ribs on the ball. Where the feet are placed diagonally, ie, similar to the letter L, to achieve stability. The hands are placed directly on either side of the body, and the head is hanging down.

  • the exercise :

During the inhalation process, the head, shoulders, and chest should be stretched back, with the rib facing the floor. You must stay in this state for 3 seconds. During the exhalation process, the back is in a circular shape and is returned to the starting position. It must be maintained not to do extra stretching of the neck or waist.

  • Another status:

The degree of difficulty of the exercise can be increased by placing hands intertwined behind the head. In this case, when climbing, the arms should be opened back and down comfortably.

2. Strengthening the back muscles by the movement of the hands 

  • starting position:

This exercise is similar to the previous exercise. So that the rib must be placed in a situation where it is facing the ground, and the hands are straight up and above the head and in the form of a letter V. The individual should look down and the neck is extended along its length and in a direction opposite to the ground.

  • the exercise:

The hands should be bent as if we were pulling a stick over the shoulders, and then straightened them up again. This exercise must be repeated 10 to 20 times, and take a break between exercises for 30 seconds, and then do another set of exercises. It is preferable to do the inhale exercise when straightening the hands up, and exhale when bending the hands back.

3. Raise the arm in the opposite direction to the leg 

  • starting position:

Lie with your stomach on the ball as in the previous exercise. The legs are straight and ergonomically obtuse, and the hips are wide while keeping the feet stable on the ground, and the hands are placed perpendicular to the ground.

  • the exercise :

Stage A - Pull the toes of the right foot in the air, facing the ground.

Stage B - Raising the left hand (opposite) until it is opposite the ground and next to the ear. Extend the opposite hand and foot as much as possible and stay in this state for 3 seconds. And repeat the exercise on the other side as well and in the same stages. This exercise must be repeated 10 times, and take a break of 30 seconds with another set of exercises. It is preferable to combine breathing with exercise, that is, inhale when raising the opposite hand to the foot, exhale when lowering it, and then take a break. It is important at this stage to listen to the body.

12-week fitness plan

Exercise to improve stability and prevent back pain  

1. Move the pelvis while sitting on the ball 

  • starting position:

Sit on the ball and the thigh should be against the floor or slightly above knee height, and at a degree ranging from 90 to 110 degrees. Waist arch should be maintained, and sitting should be straight and comfortable, as bones should be felt while sitting on the ball.

  • the exercise :

Moving the pelvis The goal of this exercise is to move the sitting bones from one side to the other. It is possible to move the pelvis without moving the ribs, as the shoulders remain in place, but the ribs must be moved with the pelvis as one unit.

  • Another status:

Move the pelvis in a circular motion, clockwise and counterclockwise. And again, the pelvis can be moved without moving the ribs and as a single unit. This movement should be done slowly and in a controlled manner, with great awareness and sensation of the ball and the spine.

2. Raise the hand opposite the foot when sitting on the ball 

  • starting position:

The starting position is similar to sitting on the ball as in the previous exercise. 

  • the exercise :

A - Raise the heel of the right foot and tighten the foot through a slight bend in the knee, as the weight is transferred to the left pelvis. The heel is lowered and the exercise is done for the other foot.
B - Extending the right hand towards the ear, extending the whole right side, and the other hand.
- Stage 1 - Raising the right heel up and staying in this state. Stage 2 - Extend the opposite left hand up and stay in this position, and the hand and thigh are working.

D - replacement of feet and hands and slow form. The feeling then is the transfer of weight from one sitting bone to the other, and the lengthening of the sides of the body and the spine.

3. Strengthening the muscles of the feet while using the ball behind the back 

  • starting position:

Put the ball behind the back, lower back, and pelvic area, and support it against the wall with the feet diagonally. 

  • the exercise :

Bend the knees while leaning on the ball, and it is rolled up and down the back, and the knees must be bent until you feel comfortable during the exercise, and there is no need to drop more than 90 degrees. Less than that can suffice. 
