mental health diseases
It is natural for a person to feel anxious or terrified from time to time, but if the feeling of anxiety recurs frequently without any real reason to the extent that it hinders the normal daily course of life, then it is likely that this person suffers...
Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, as it damages mental and social skills and impairs daily functioning in normal life.
Depression is not an easy thing to get rid of, and it is known as severe depression disorder, or clinical depression. It is a disease that affects the soul and body and affects the way of thinking...
The most indicative sign of a defect or injury to the cerebellum (cerebellum), is a disturbance in the coordination of conscious movement (full consciousness), called the state of ataxia. Correcting the problem can help.
Chronic fatigue syndrome causes a feeling of constant fatigue to the point that it prevents you from carrying out normal daily tasks.
Tourette's syndrome is a neurological disease that often appears in childhood, and the person with this syndrome produces voice tics or motor tics that are involuntary and have no control over them. Not all tics are caused by injury...
Anorexia nervosa is one of the types of eating disorders, in which people suffer from a constant fear of gaining weight, which causes them to reduce the amount of food they consume and become frighteningly lose weight.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and continues into adulthood. One of the problems that can be attributed to attention disorder.
Opiates are very effective in relieving chronic aches and acute aches, but these substances carry the inbuilt risk of addiction. The number of people addicted to heroin (a type of opium) in the United States has only been high since the 90s.
Suffering from aches all over your body? Feel tired often and often? Even after you have performed a large number of medical examinations, the attending physician cannot indicate anything exceptional, if that description...
Autism or autism is one of the disorders belonging to a group of developmental disorders called in the medical language Autism Spectrum Disorders - ASD, which appears in infancy before the child reaches the age of...
There is a strong relationship between stress and the menstrual cycle (Premenstrual syndrome), as the first days of the menstrual cycle are usually accompanied by physical signs and symptoms and behavioral and psychological changes. There are no special tests to diagnose...
Anorexia nervosa is a psychosomatic disorder that includes the following four criteria: 1. A significant decrease in weight that leads to severe underweight, at least lower than...
Childbirth can be an exhilarating and unforgettable experience. The physical and psychological effort that accompanies childbirth, or cesarean section, especially in the first days after childbirth, and in addition to the feelings that accompany...
Tics are involuntary and functional (no function) movements that appear in children and adolescents in a ratio of 1 to 20. These movements are short, rapid, and appear without prior warning. It has no definite function, is repetitive, and is usually...
Fragile X syndrome is an inherited syndrome, also called: fragile X syndrome. This syndrome is directly related to the X chromosome (X) in mothers, and therefore this syndrome is more prevalent...
Prader-Willi syndrome occurs as a result of a change in chromosome number 15, resulting in muscle weakness, an eating disorder accompanied by obesity, short stature, and mental retardation. The incidence of this syndrome is up to 1: 10000 - 1:...
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSDS), or the common name in Europe, Algodystrophy, is a combination of...
Complex regional pain syndrome is a rare condition that appears primarily in the extremities and is characterized by pain, allodynia (painful perception of non-painful stimuli such as touch or heat), edema, and discoloration and temperature of the skin of the affected limb...
From euphoria and madness to severe depression, and from recklessness and impulsivity to apathy, these are the extremes attributed to manic depression or bipolar disorder, which was formerly called psychosis.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, is a type of anxiety-related disorder characterized by irrational thoughts and fears that lead to compulsive behaviors.
Schizophrenia is a severe disorder of the brain that distorts the way a person thinks, behaves, expresses his feelings, looks at reality, sees facts and interrelationships between him and those around him...
Alcoholism, known as addiction to alcoholic beverages or addiction to alcohol, arises as a result of the body's attachment to alcohol.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is caused by traumatic events that pose a real danger to a person or those around them that may lead to the disorder. From...
Agoraphobia is a type of phobic anxiety disorder. Anyone who suffers from agoraphobia fears being in public places, among a crowd of people, this type of phobia is considered the most difficult...
The definition of the term "antisocial personality" is based on a group of personality and behavioral disorders. These disorders have been called by many different names, including antisocial personality disorder,...
Personality, according to the definitions of therapeutic psychology, is a collective noun composed of the character, traits, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that are inherent and unique to a particular person; It is possible to find a wide diversity among people, in terms of characteristics...
The term neuroses were first used in 1772 by a Scottish physician known as William Cullen.
Psychosomatic medicine is concerned with the processes of formation and development of diseases and focuses, in particular, on the unity of the body (Soma) and the soul (Psyche) and the mutual influences between them... In parallel with the progress that...
Phobias are a form of the fear disorder, which manifests as an irrational fear of certain things or situations that do not pose a real danger, or that the danger is very low. The person is aware that their reaction is irrational. One of the types of...
In the past, this condition was called "organic brain syndrome". According to the "ICD 10" (Psychiatry Classification of Mental Disorders, under the World Health Organization), the talk is...
Mental disability (mental retardation or mental retardation) is diagnosed from childhood. This group of patients is very diverse; Until a short time, the average lifespan of people with intellectual disabilities was short, so they didn't...
Adjustment disorders are emotional or behavioral disturbances that appear in stages of adaptation to a major change in life, or as a result of stressors (stress, distress). The severity of emotional distress - in such cases -...
It is common to assume that psychological and social factors play a role in and in the course of physical illness and that it also plays a role in complaining about physical problems. The question of the relationship between mental and physical illnesses, or the body and soul, constitutes
Predictably and naturally, children experience fear and anxiety in their different stages of growth and development. Babies before their first birthday can feel or experience fear of strangers and unfamiliar...
A phobia is a fear that is irrational in its intensity or nature. This fear is related to a specific object, activity, or condition; Exposure to the fear trigger causes anxiety immediately. Teens and adults often acknowledge the fact that fear...