Methods of treating mental disorders

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Methods of treating mental disorders

Have you ever known about the methods of treating mental disorders? Important details about this topic in the following article.
Methods of treating mental disorders

Learn about the most prominent methods of treating mental disorders in this article:

Treating mental disorders

There are many ways to treat mental disorders, including:

1. Medicines

These medications usually improve symptoms associated with mental disorders rather than completely eliminate them. The medication prescribed depends on the type of disorder. These medications include:

1. Medicines

  • Antidepressants: 

  • These drugs help treat several psychological disorders, such as depression, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, poor concentration, and loss of energy, and these drugs are not addictive.

  • Anti-anxiety medications:

  • Anti-anxiety medications are divided into two categories, and both works to treat anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety or panic attacks. The first works like an antidepressant and is taken for a long time, and the other is quick-acting, but it can be addictive.

  • Mood-improving medications: 

  • These medications work to treat some mood-related disorders, such as bipolar disorder, and can also be used with antidepressant medications to treat depression.

  • Antipsychotic medications: 

  • These medications are used to treat psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, and can also be used with antidepressants to treat depression.

2. Psychotherapy

After talking to the patient, the doctor or psychologist determines the appropriate type of psychological treatment for the situation. Some types of treatment include the following:

  • psychodynamic therapy

This therapy is based on the assumption that there are unresolved emotional problems that stem from childhood and aim to solve them by talking about the experiences of the person in question.

This type of treatment lasts several months and may extend to several years.

  • Personal psychotherapy

This treatment aims to improve a person's relationship with his surroundings of friends and family, as well as to increase his self-confidence over a period of 3-4 months.

Using this therapy in combination with psychodynamic therapy can treat depression caused by several causes, such as loss of a loved one, sadness, conflict relationships, or a change in social statuses such as marriage or motherhood.

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy

This treatment depends on defining the concept of right and wrong for the person concerned and trying to change his perceptions about himself and others, and this treatment is also good for people who are unable or refuse to take medications to prevent depression.

3. Brain stimulation therapies

Brain stimulation treatments are used after both medications or psychotherapy fail to solve the problem. This type aims to treat mental disorders, such as depression and is represented by: electric shocks or brain nerve stimulation.

4. Treatment in mental disorders hospitals

Some cases require receiving intensive care in a mental hospital due to the loss of control of the disorder inside the home or for fear of harming oneself or others. The stay can be for a day or a long stay.

5. Treatment of abuse

Sometimes abuse, such as alcohol or certain medications, accompanies mental disorders. If the person is unable to quit the drug, he can turn to the doctor for help.

Lifestyle and home remedies for mental disorders

After we have finished talking about ways to treat mental disorders medically, we will move on to talking about home remedies that, when followed, can help in treatment, including:

Lifestyle and home remedies for mental disorders

  1. Stick to the treatment plan.
  2. Avoid alcohol and medication use.
  3. Doing exercise.
  4. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as: sleeping enough hours, and eating healthy food.
  5. Avoid making important decisions while symptoms are present because at that time the person cannot think properly.
  6. Setting priorities and organizing time.

Coping with mental disorders

Coexistence is part of the treatment of psychological disorders, so you should consult a doctor to determine strategies for coexistence, some of which may be:

Coping with mental disorders

  1. Find out as much information about the disorder, by reading books or browsing the websites recommended by the doctor, and the family should know about it as well to know what the person in question may be going through.
  2. Meeting with groups of people suffering from the same disorder.
  3. Try to keep in touch with friends and family.