Benefits of male frankincense for the skin

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Benefits of male frankincense for the skin

Male gum contains natural collagen, so it can be used to treat skin problems. Learn about it in this article.

Benefits of male frankincense for the skin

The problem of skin darkening and pigmentation is one of the most troublesome things for girls, and there are many ways to get rid of it, including the use of natural mixtures, especially male gum, what are the benefits of male gum for the skin?

Benefits of male frankincense for the skin

Frankincense contains natural collagen and many other substances that contribute to the renewal of skin cells and lighten their color. Here are some of the benefits of male gum for the skin:

  • Exfoliation and renewal of dead skin cells, which helps to whiten and lighten them.
  • Treats the skin from darkening caused by direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Contributes to whitening sensitive areas.
  • Treats darkening around the mouth and eyes.
  • Among the benefits of male frankincense for the skin is that it unifies the skin tone.
  • Reducing the swelling caused by insect bites and speeding up their recovery.
  • It is anti-infective, cleans cuts and scrapes, and accelerates their healing, without leaving a scar behind.
  • Removal of scars resulting from surgical operations.
  • It is included in the natural recipes for the treatment of fatty bags.

Ways to use male gum

Male frankincense or its oil is used in the preparation of many natural recipes, which have a major role in treating skin problems, including the following:

  • An appropriate amount of male gum is placed in a little water and left on a low heat until it boils, and after it cools, it is mixed with a little rose water and this mixture is used to wash the skin twice a day. This mixture is used in the morning and before going to sleep, as the regularity in Applying this recipe treats the skin from dark spots,  whitens it, and gives it a pink color.
  • An appropriate amount of male gum is ground and a little water is added to it. The mixture is placed on the fire and left until it boils. After it cools, it is applied to the skin using a piece of cotton. It is preferable to repeat this process daily to treat the skin from tan caused by exposure to sunlight.
  • Male frankincense is crushed and a tablespoon is mixed with starch powder, in addition to a box of yogurt and half a tablespoon of honey, and placed on the skin after cleaning and drying, and it must be left for thirty minutes and then rinsed with water. Continuing to use this mixture helps to give the skin whiter Bright.
  • Mix half a tablespoon of male frankincense oil and the same amount of lupine oil, in addition to a teaspoon of rose or cinnamon oil, in addition to a small cup of bitter almond. The mixture is kept in a bottle until use. It is used to lighten the face and all areas of the body except for the area around the eyes.