Benefits of vitamin K for the skin: know it
The benefits of vitamin K for the skin, do they really exist? And if any, what is it? The answers and more can be found in the article.
Vitamin K belongs to a group of vitamins that have the ability to dissolve in fat, so let's learn the following about the benefits of vitamin K for the skin and its other general benefits in addition to its potential damage:
Vitamin K benefits for skin
The body needs vitamin K to produce prothrombin, which is a protein and a coagulation factor necessary in blood clotting and bone metabolism. For this reason, vitamin K benefits for the skin, including:
- Helps heal wounds
Vitamin K is important in aiding the body's blood clotting process, which helps the body heal cuts, bruises, and areas of skin affected by surgery.
It is also believed that one of the benefits of vitamin K for the skin is that it may help treat some of the following skin conditions and diseases :
- Stretch marks.
- Spider veins.
- scars.
- dark spots;
- Dark circles under the eyes.
Where a study showed that vitamin K may contribute to promoting wound healing in patients during a shorter period when used topically, and this may be due to the vitamin’s ability to:
- Significantly increased rate of wound contraction.
- Enhancement of the period of epithelialization.
- Formation of fibroblast cells.
- Strengthen collagen fibers and blood vessels.
In addition to its effect on the blood coagulation system, which contributes to the formation of blood vessels and wound healing, as mentioned earlier.
- Effective Anti-Oxidant
One of the benefits of vitamin K for the skin is that it may help get rid of reactive oxygen compounds that play a pivotal role in causing disease and treating chronic wounds, as its excessive presence leads to cell toxicity and delayed wound healing, and this benefit is because vitamin K is an antioxidant.
- Relieves swelling
One of the benefits of vitamin K for the skin is that it may help reduce swelling, as vitamin K can be found in many different topical creams for the skin to achieve this benefit.
Doctors frequently use creams containing vitamin K for patients who have recently had surgery to help reduce swelling and bruising, which also helps speed up skin healing.
It is worth noting that studies looking at the benefits of vitamin K for the skin are still limited compared to studies on vitamin E and vitamin C, so more research is still needed.
General benefits of vitamin K
The benefits of vitamin K for the skin have been identified, so let's get acquainted with the following about the various health benefits of the vitamin, which are represented in the following:
- Promote bone health
It was found that there is a relationship between low intake of vitamin K and osteoporosis, as it was found that this vitamin supports and maintains bone strength.
It also supports bone density and helps reduce the risk of fractures, although more research is still needed.
- Memory improvement
High levels of vitamin K in the blood are associated with enhanced episodic memory performance in the elderly population.
- Promote heart health
Vitamin K may be of benefit in lowering blood pressure by impeding the saturation of the arteries with minerals, as this occurs naturally with age, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.
It has also been proven that adequate vitamin K intake may reduce the risk of stroke.
Effects of excess vitamin K in the body
Despite the benefits of vitamin K for the skin and for the body alike, it may cause some damage, most notably:
- Interaction with some medications, like vitamin K, affects the benefits of some medications, such as aspirin and antibiotics.
- Damage to both the kidneys and liver, especially if they suffer from pre-existing problems and diseases.