
Health care and follow-up during pregnancy


Health care and follow-up during pregnancy

Follow your pregnancy from the first visit until the end of pregnancy and childbirth... What are the tests that you should do in the different stages of pregnancy?

Health care and follow-up during pregnancy

The obstetrician should supervise the pregnancy from its inception, and it is preferable that the first visit to the obstetrician be before three months of gestational age and then visit every month until the end of pregnancy and childbirth.

The first visit of the pregnant woman and the first examination by the obstetrician:

During this visit, the obstetrician confirms the pregnancy and reassures the mother of the health of her child, as well as examines the pregnant woman and makes sure of her body’s eligibility to complete the pregnancy, and interrogates the pregnant woman about her medical history from previous diseases she had or surgeries that were performed on her with or without blood transfusion, and also interrogates her about previous pregnancy if Was he found, his course, and his completion, was it natural or through a cesarean section? Are there previous miscarriages when pregnant? All this interrogation helps the supervising doctor to predict the course of the current pregnancy and thus predict possible complications during its course and prevent them before they occur. The woman must also inform her doctor about the existence of a disease she has, such as tuberculosis, kidney diseases, heart or diabetes diseases, and nervous disorders, and to apply the treatments used for these diseases, as they are diseases that are harmful to pregnancy if they are not treated correctly and with safe medicines for the fetus.

In the last month of pregnancy:

We can know and predict the ease of the upcoming birth and the ease or potential obstacles by measuring the pelvic width and the softness and elasticity of the mother's tissues in addition to knowing the size of the child and the position of his head.
Complementary examinations and tests to visit the doctor:
These examinations are very necessary for the safety of both the mother and the child.
Sugar (glucose) and albumin (proteins) in the urine must be calibrated every month, in addition to measuring the arterial pressure and measuring the weight of the pregnant woman monthly. These three factors of high urine albumin + high arterial pressure + rapid weight gain constitute symptoms of preeclampsia, a disease It is very dangerous for the mother and may lead to miscarriage, and the doctor himself may have to induce an abortion if the disease is detected late, so monthly monitoring allows the doctor to treat it early and avoid its dangers.

Other currently rare tests:

Syphilis test: It

has now become scarce in our country, and in case of doubt, the test must be done before three months of the gestational age, and it is a mandatory test in Western countries.


(SIDA or AIDS) is also rare in our country, and this disease may occur through uncontrolled blood transfusions in the laboratory, but in our country, AIDS is always chosen before blood transfusion, with the rare occurrence of this disease in the Arab Mashreq. In case of suspicion for any reason, this test should also be performed before the lapse of three months from the gestational age.

Tests for measles and toxoplasmosis:

They are mandatory tests in Western countries on the first visit to the doctor, and we have previously talked about them, and the aim of these tests is to detect permanent immunity in the pregnant woman that protects her and her fetus from these diseases. loads coming from injury;
Blood type and Rh factor
test: It is a simple and mandatory test, especially in the first pregnancy and during the first visit to the doctor, as it protects the child from dangerous hemolysis after birth, especially if the mother’s blood type is negative and that of her husband positive).
The method of prevention and the other benefit of knowing the mother's blood type is her previous knowledge in the event of a need for a blood transfusion during cesarean delivery or in the event of severe bleeding.

Finally, there are two tests in the sixth month of pregnancy:

First: Hemoglobin (hemoglobin) and the formula: to detect and treat anemia in a pregnant woman.
Second: Previous hepatitis B infection test (HBS): Its presence requires effective treatment at birth to avoid infection of the child with dangerous hepatitis.
Wave Imaging: Ultrasound (Echo) is harmless to the fetus during the stages of its formation (the first three months) in contrast to the rays (simple radiography). The placenta (delivery).
The benefits of ultrasound (Echography) are many, including:
Determining the date of birth.
Pregnancy development and growth.
the shape of the fetus.
At the beginning of the fourth month, we can also study the shape of the fetus and reveal the sex of the fetus (male or female) with a sensitivity of up to 80%. We can also detect fetal malformations early and decide on the possibility of treating them or advise the pregnant woman to abort in the event of non-viable malformations.
Also: With
this examination, we detect the case of a twin pregnancy and detect the low nesting of the placenta (delivery) close to the cervix, which requires special care during childbirth and in severe cases, a cesarean delivery must be performed, and through it, we also reveal the wrapping of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus, which also requires serious monitoring during pregnancy and childbirth You may also need to have a cesarean section.
This examination must be repeated in the following order:
The first examination: In the second month (the eighth week) to determine the date of birth and to know the status of the twin pregnancy early.
The second examination: In the third and fourth months (20th week), it determines the development and growth of the fetus.
The third examination: Some of them recommend conducting the third examination in the last trimester of pregnancy from the seventh to the ninth month to detect possible incidents of abnormal growth.
This is in normal cases, but in sick cases, we may have to repeat the ultrasound examination many times.
Intensive medical care:

Situations that require intensive medical attention are:

  • Women whose previous pregnancy was accompanied by serious complications.
  • Pregnant women with diabetes.
  • Pregnant women with arterial hypertension.
  • Pregnant women with various chronic diseases may lead to complications affecting the pregnant woman or her fetus.
  • Women who have had preterm labor or repeated miscarriages (eg, cervical insufficiency).