Health problems caused by a child's short stature

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Health problems caused by a child's short stature

Attention should be paid to some health problems that can occur due to short stature, as this has effects on the body, and can be avoided by some simple methods.

Health problems caused by a child's short stature

Short stature hides several health problems that parents should be aware of.

It is not required that the cause be genetic, but it can result from a disease that requires follow-up with the doctor and treatment.

The normal growth rate of the child

The normal growth rate of a child is as follows:

  • From 2 to 4 years old: about 86 cm and weight 12 kg.
  • At 4 years old: about 101 cm and weight 16 kg.
  • At 6 years old: about 114 cm and weight 20 kg.
  • At the age of 8 years: about 127 cm and weight 25 kg.

If the average height is significantly lower than the previous rates, it means that he suffers from short stature.

Health problems that cause short stature

Some health problems cause short stature in a child, namely:

1- Malabsorption

The presence of a problem in the digestive system can lead to a defect in absorption, and thus the child's body does not get the important nutrients that it needs to grow normally, and he becomes short in stature.

2- Endocrine disruption

When the endocrine glands do not perform their functions normally, such as a lack of thyroid hormone, this will affect the functioning of the various organs of the body and can lead to short stature.

 Causes and absorption disorder. The problem could also be in the kidneys, glands, or lack of nutrition.

3- Growth hormone deficiency

Growth hormone deficiency is one of the main problems that cause short stature, as the body does not produce enough growth hormone.

4- Malnutrition

Some children suffer from loss of appetite and refusal of food from a young age, which hinders the obtaining of nutrients and vitamins important for the growth of the body.

This causes significant weight loss, weakness of the body, including muscles and bones, and short stature.

5- Bone deformity

If you have a bone deformity or have bone problems, such as osteomalacia, this can affect your height.

Health problems caused by short stature

Short stature also causes some health problems over time, so you should follow up with your doctor to avoid the risks arising from this problem.

1- heart disease

There are different genes in short stature that can cause atherosclerosis and increase the risk of heart disease.

Coronary artery disease is one of the most prominent heart diseases that can affect a person of short stature.

This disease occurs when the arteries supplying the heart with blood are narrowed, due to the presence of fatty deposits in their walls.

With the occurrence of a blood clot, the patient becomes blocked by the arteries, and thus a heart attack occurs.

A healthy diet helps reduce the risk of heart disease caused by short stature.

Whereas, foods rich in fat lead to their accumulation in the arteries.

2- Respiratory problems

In the case of suffering from severe short stature, or what is called disproportionate dwarfism, it can affect respiratory functions and lead to breathing difficulties resulting from poor lung function.

3- Effects on the vagina

When a woman is short, this will affect the depth of her vagina, and lead to effects on the pelvic area.

This may cause difficulty in natural childbirth, and therefore the doctor resorts to cesarean delivery to preserve the health of the child.

Important tips for a short person

In the case of short stature, some important things must be taken care of to avoid many health problems, including:

  • Proper nutrition: It is necessary to pay attention to proper nutrition and to obtain all the nutrients that the body needs.

It should also stay away from harmful foods that cause clogged arteries and heart disease.

  • Exercising: Exercising helps in enhancing the flexibility of bones and joints and protecting them from osteoporosis and the problems that can affect them.

It is recommended to exercise daily for half an hour, in addition to daily light exercise.

  • Periodic follow-up with the doctor: One of the important things that should not be ignored, it is necessary to conduct periodic basic examinations to ensure the health of the heart, bones, digestive system, and respiratory system.

As well as checking the functions of the glands and hormone levels in the body.

In the event of pregnancy, the woman should tell the doctor about any health problems she faces during pregnancy.
