
Health problems caused by a lack of water

Health problems caused by a lack of water

The body needs water to enhance various functions, and therefore a lack of drinking water can lead to many health problems, so care must be taken to drink water, know about health problems that result from drinking water.

Health problems caused by a lack of water

Water makes up about 60% of the human body, and it is necessary to help maintain a healthy weight, remove toxins from the body, and produce important fluids in the body, such as saliva. and moisturize it.

Therefore, the lack of drinking water can affect the body negatively, and lead to many health problems.

In this article, we will learn about health problems caused by a lack of water:

Health problems caused by a lack of water

Learn about the most prominent health problems that result from a lack of drinking water, as follows:

1. Fatigue

Not drinking enough water can lead to an overall loss of fluid in the body, and this leads to a decrease in blood volume, which puts extra pressure on the heart to deliver oxygen and nutrients to organs including muscles.

With the continued lack of water in the body, the feeling of fatigue and low energy will increase, as the body tries to function without enough water.

2. Recurring diseases

Water helps flush out toxins, waste, and bacteria from the body to fight disease and infection, in addition to strengthening the immune system, thus reducing the chances of disease.

In the case of a lack of drinking water, this means that the body is more exposed to diseases due to the difficulty of the immune system in its functions well, as well as the body’s containment of toxins as a result of the lack of water.

3. Constipation

Water promotes digestive functions and regular bowel movements, by making it easier to defecate and move the stools easily.

As for the lack of drinking water, it will be difficult for stool to leave the body; Because it will become more solid.

With difficulty passing stools, constipation, bloating, and stomach pain will occur.

4. Skin problems

Water improves and moisturizes skin cells to make the skin look fresh and vibrant, and the lack of water causes the skin to lose its elasticity and health, which leads to dryness, flaking, and early signs of aging in addition to sagging skin.

Water also helps reduce acne and other skin problems, as it flushes toxins from the body, but in case of lack of drinking water, bacteria will accumulate in the pores of the skin and lead to the appearance of pimples and skin blemishes.

5. Lack of urination

When the body is dehydrated, the kidneys retain as much fluid as possible to maintain their function, and this can lead to decreased urination, one of the most common signs of low water intake.

A lack of water can cause urine to become dark in color with a stronger odor, and the chances of a urinary tract infection increase when the body lacks enough water to flush out toxins and bacteria.

6. Oral and dental problems

Water is essential for saliva production and helps flush out bacteria in the body and mouth, thus maintaining healthy gums and teeth.

Therefore, the lack of water prevents the production of saliva and causes the accumulation of bacteria on the tongue, teeth, and gums, which leads to many health problems in the mouth, as well as the appearance of a bad odor.

The body's need for water

After we learned about health problems that result from a lack of water, it is now important to know the body's daily need for water. 

The amount of water the body needs depends on the daily effort, and in general, it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day to maintain the fluid content in the body.

To ensure that the body gets what it needs of water, the color of urine can be checked. In normal cases, the color of urine is light yellow, but if it is dark, this indicates the need to drink water.
