Important benefits of phosphorous for your health and its sources
The body needs phosphorous to enhance its health and facilitate the completion of many vital functions in it, so what are the many benefits of phosphorus for your body? What are the natural sources of phosphorous? Read the article to know more.
The body uses phosphorous to perform many of its functions, including ridding the
body of toxins and repairing damaged tissues and cells. The body often contains more phosphorous than it needs, while the lack of phosphorous in the body is rare.Phosphorous benefits
The body needs phosphorous to maintain and strengthen bones, to generate energy, and facilitate muscle movement and functions, and these are the benefits of phosphorus:
- Building strong bones and teeth.
- Help the kidneys purify the body of waste products and toxins.
- Regulating energy generation processes in the body.
- Helping to grow and maintain tissues and cells and repair damaged ones.
- Assisting in the production of DNA in the body.
- Helping to balance the proportions of some minerals and vitamins in the body, such as vitamin B, vitamin D, iodine, magnesium, and zinc.
- Regulating muscle function and movement.
- Maintaining a regular heartbeat.
- Facilitate neural communication.
- Reducing muscle soreness after exercise.
Food sources of phosphorous
Most foods naturally contain phosphorous, and foods rich in protein are generally considered an excellent source of phosphorous, such as:
If you follow a diet rich in calcium and protein, you are likely to get enough phosphorous, because most foods rich in calcium also naturally contain phosphorous.
Some non-protein foods also contain phosphorous, such as:
- Whole grains.
- Potatoes.
- the Garlic.
- dried fruits;
Although baked goods made from whole grains are rich in phosphorous, the human body cannot absorb phosphorous from foods made from whole grains.
How much phosphorous does your body need?
The amount of phosphorous that your body needs depends on your age, and this is the recommended daily amount of phosphorous according to your age:
- Adults, 19 years of age and older: 700 mg.
- Children, ages 9-18: 1,250 milligrams.
- Children 4-8 years old: 500 mg.
- Children 1-3 years of age: 460 mg.
- Babies, 7-12 months: 275 mg.
- Babies, 6 months of age and younger: 100 milligrams.
Almost everyone gets their phosphorous need naturally from food.
Dangers of Excessive Phosphorous
Is considered excessive phosphorus toxic, and increase the quantity in the body may cause:
- Diarrhea.
- Hardening of tissues inside the body.
- An imbalance in the body's ability to absorb some minerals and vitamins.
- Mineral deposition in the muscles, caused by the union of phosphorous with calcium.
In rare cases, large amounts of phosphorus may be present in the blood and cause many health problems, but this often only happens in people with kidney disease.
What about phosphorous deficiency?
Some medications may cause your body to be less phosphorous than normal, such as:
- Insulin.
- antacids;
- anticonvulsants;
Symptoms of phosphorous deficiency:
- Pain in the bones and joints.
- loss of appetite
- Restlessness and restlessness.
- Fatigue and tiredness.
- Bone defects in children.