Nutrition and sports: two sides of the same coin
Availability of nutrition and sports helps to achieve the best results. A diet should be followed following the exercises. What do we eat before and after training? And how much water should we drink?
Nutrition and sports To achieve the best results, we must follow a diet that matches our training.
Many people are frustrated, by the fact that after they decided to engage in regular physical activity, they failed to lose weight, and even began to gain weight.
This is, in fact, a terrible feeling, when we invest the effort and the results we hope do not come true. Thoughts of abandoning our sports project immediately rise, and of course accompanied by despair.
Don't let these thoughts control you, because nutrition and physical activity are important to both weight loss and overall health. As for the results, it is important to realize that the exercise of physical activity, must be accompanied by an appropriate diet, because the slim and slim appearance with a low percentage of fat, is the product of 30% physical activity and 70% correct nutrition.
Although 30% seems low, the importance of physical activity is still high, as studies show that the likelihood of maintaining a healthy weight for a period of time is much lower without physical activity.
This is, in fact, a terrible feeling, when we invest the effort and the results we hope do not come true. Thoughts of abandoning our sports project immediately rise, and of course accompanied by despair.
Don't let these thoughts control you, because nutrition and physical activity are important to both weight loss and overall health. As for the results, it is important to realize that the exercise of physical activity, must be accompanied by an appropriate diet, because the slim and slim appearance with a low percentage of fat, is the product of 30% physical activity and 70% correct nutrition.
Although 30% seems low, the importance of physical activity is still high, as studies show that the likelihood of maintaining a healthy weight for a period of time is much lower without physical activity.
How can we match nutrition and sports with our training program?
First, by proper organization and arrangement of diet and activity during the day. Here are some general guidelines, which you can rely on in your daily routine. It forms the basis for achieving the healthiest results for you, you can also meet with a qualified dietitian who is an expert in sports nutrition.
Training in the early morning hours:
You wake up in the morning after a long fast during sleep, so your blood sugar levels are low.
Even if you get up early and like to train early in the morning, eat simple carbohydrates, such as fresh or dried fruit, and a teaspoon of honey or jam before training.
If you want to burn fat while exercising, you must provide the body with available carbohydrates. These carbohydrates break down quickly and give you energy for activity.
If you don't eat, know that you are at risk of losing muscle mass because during training sugar levels drop more, the body must provide sugar for the muscles, brain, and heart and thus break down protein bases (which build muscle in the body).
If the training is one and a half to two hours after waking up, you can eat a slice of bread with honey or jam (preferably a “paste” containing carbohydrates) or an energy snack.
After training: Immediately after training, eat a balanced meal that contains carbohydrates, such as whole wheat/rye with protein such as cheese/eggs/tuna and vegetables. Another option is a cereal with milk or oatmeal porridge on a milk basis.
Even if you get up early and like to train early in the morning, eat simple carbohydrates, such as fresh or dried fruit, and a teaspoon of honey or jam before training.
If you want to burn fat while exercising, you must provide the body with available carbohydrates. These carbohydrates break down quickly and give you energy for activity.
If you don't eat, know that you are at risk of losing muscle mass because during training sugar levels drop more, the body must provide sugar for the muscles, brain, and heart and thus break down protein bases (which build muscle in the body).
If the training is one and a half to two hours after waking up, you can eat a slice of bread with honey or jam (preferably a “paste” containing carbohydrates) or an energy snack.
After training: Immediately after training, eat a balanced meal that contains carbohydrates, such as whole wheat/rye with protein such as cheese/eggs/tuna and vegetables. Another option is a cereal with milk or oatmeal porridge on a milk basis.
Afternoon training:
Many people prefer training after work, in the afternoon or evening.
Before training: To reach the training with high energy and high physical readiness, it is preferable to finish lunch about three hours before the start of training. You should eat a meal consisting of carbohydrates, preferably complex carbohydrates, such as pasta/rice/quinoa/bulgur, as well as protein such as meat/fish/tofu, along with vegetables. This is the meal that requires time to decompose, at least 3 hours.
Many people eat a big meal and train with the assumption that training burns calories from the meal, and this is wrong. At the time of training, the body diverts most of the blood flow to the muscles and heart. Food remains in the stomach and intestines (not a pleasant feeling for those who have faced this). Therefore, a large meal should be eaten after training, not before.
Training in the late evening hours:
Before training: If the training is carried out 2-3 hours after lunch you do not need to eat, but if there are more than three hours, you can eat fresh or dried fruits or a light energy meal, not high in fiber, about 10 - 15 minutes Before training, to balance glucose levels in the body and allow maximum fat burning during training. This recommendation should be considered over and over again because lunch changes and everyone digests food at a different speed.
Also, be sure to eat after training, even if the training took place in the evening hours. Because sugar levels drop while training, the body is in a state of stress. If we don't eat after training, sugar levels will remain low, so the body begins to break down protein bases. It is recommended after training to eat large meals, because the food is directed to the muscles, and does not turn into fat (if we eat the right amounts).
After training: The recommended meal is whole wheat bread/rye (a source of complex carbohydrates), protein such as eggs/tuna/cheese, and vegetables. Since you can have two cooked meals a day, dinner can be the same as lunch.
Also, be sure to eat after training, even if the training took place in the evening hours. Because sugar levels drop while training, the body is in a state of stress. If we don't eat after training, sugar levels will remain low, so the body begins to break down protein bases. It is recommended after training to eat large meals, because the food is directed to the muscles, and does not turn into fat (if we eat the right amounts).
After training: The recommended meal is whole wheat bread/rye (a source of complex carbohydrates), protein such as eggs/tuna/cheese, and vegetables. Since you can have two cooked meals a day, dinner can be the same as lunch.
Continuous training or two during the day:
If there are two exercises, such as aerobic class/spinning/jogging, and then lifting weights, you should eat the carbohydrates available when switching between the two exercises. Such carbohydrates are found in fresh or dried fruits or as an energy snack. This added sugar will help you burn fat during the second workout.
In long workouts: For every hour of training, eat a carbohydrate meal, or alternatively drink a pint of isotonic drink.
How much water should we drink?
You must weigh yourselves before and after training, and the weight gap is the sum of the fluids you lost, that is, half a kilogram is the difference between the exercises, you need to drink half a liter of water.