Tips on how to deal with your child's headache


Tips on how to deal with your child's headache

Here are reliable tips on the symptoms of headaches and migraines in children. Learn about the causes of headaches for children and how to help them regain their health:

Tips on how to deal with your child's headache

Headaches are often seen as a health problem that only adults suffer from. In fact, it is much more common in children than we think. According to studies, up to 8% of pre-school children and 80% of teens experience headaches at least once a month.

The good news is that headaches, including migraines, tend to have much shorter attacks in children than in adults. It is very useful for us to learn about some of the signs that indicate the presence of headaches in our young ones so that we can help them feel better.

What are the causes of headaches in children?

There are many different types of headaches and many causes for their occurrence.

Many children get headaches when they develop a fever as a result of any kind of illness. Other causes include sinusitis, toothache, and vision problems.

Headaches are usually not evidence of anything serious. But you should consult your doctor immediately if you are concerned about your child's headache, or if the headache is accompanied by other symptoms that you do not know the true source of.

Tips to help children deal with headaches

Here are some simple steps to help your child when they have a headache or migraine (migraine):

  • Let them lie on the bed in a quiet and darkroom.
  • Put a damp cloth over their eyes or forehead.
  • Ask them to take a deep breath.
  • Encourage them to take a nap - sleep will help speed up their recovery.
  • Encourage them to eat or drink something (but not caffeinated drinks).

You can give your child a simple analgesic such as Nurofen, which will help relieve their pain and relieve their headache symptoms.
