Your Child and Maintaining a Healthy Weight: Our Tips for Parents!
Is your child of an ideal weight and in good health, and you aspire to help him maintain it in the long run, here are our tips that will guide you on how to maintain a healthy weight:
Research has shown that children of a healthy weight tend to be healthier, more able to learn from their peers, and have higher self-confidence. They are also less likely to
suffer from chronic diseases and various health problems. Children who are frankly encouraged by their parents to maintain a healthy weight through an active lifestyle, and maintain good choices of food items, are certainly the most loyal to it! If your child is at a healthy weight, and you aspire to help him maintain this weight, here are our tips:Six ways to maintain a healthy weight in children:
1. Be a good role model for them
One of the best and most effective ways to inculcate good habits in your child is to lead by example and lead by example! You are the ideal for them from which they draw most of their habits and behaviors. So to encourage your child, eat healthy foods in front of him, and exercise regularly. Or take him for a walk, bike ride, or swim instead of watching TV or surfing the Internet. In addition to being fun, these activities are a time to spend quality time together, and a way to maintain a healthy weight.
Know that changes you make to your child's diet and lifestyle will be more successful and acceptable if they involve the whole family.
2. Encourage at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily
On average, a child may need to practice approximately 60 minutes a day of physical activity to maintain his health and weight, but sometimes it may be just a short, pleasant activity that may not exceed ten minutes very useful, such as playing football or karate or even children's activities and games Known for movement and activity. For school children, you can encourage them to go to school on foot or ride a bike, or involve them in different activities, such as swimming or karate.
3. Maintain the appropriate portions of foods for them
You must pay attention to the food portions that your child may eat, and not exceed the proper portion. There may not be clear portions yet for children, but you must take into account the following:
- - Always get used to feeding your childless, and the more he asks for more and does not feel full, the more the quantity may be.
- Always avoid forcing your child to eat more food, or forcing him to fill in the rest of it on his plate.
- Try to use children's plates instead of adult plates and utensils.
- Get them used to eat breakfast, which will reduce their feeling of hunger during the day.
- - Encourage them to eat meals with the family, and at fixed and organized times.
- Get them used to eating and chewing food slowly.
- Make sure that your child's meals are divided into at least five or six meals and throughout the day.
4. Make sure to eat healthy meals
Certainly, there are clear and basic rules in feeding children and maintaining a healthy weight! There is what is necessary to eat it daily, and there are some restrictions that you may have to impose on some types of food to ensure their healthy and healthy growth. Here are the most important foundations for proper nutrition of children:
- Focus on eating at least five servings of vegetables and fruits daily, to get vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and you can always find various options, whether they are: fresh, dried, canned, or even in the form of juices.
- Focus on carbohydrate sources, such as potatoes, rice, and pasta. And within the right rations, with an emphasis on the types of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, and legumes.
- Restrict the intake of foods high in sugars and hydrogenated fats to no more than once to twice a week, such as biscuits, cakes, soft drinks, and fast food. It is high in calories and poor in nutrients.
- Focus on good protein sources, such as meat and its alternatives, and plant sources such as legumes, while trying to reduce the intake of processed meat.
- Ensure that they get adequate amounts of water daily.
- Make sure they eat foods prepared in a healthy way, such as grilling, not frying.
5. Reduce TV time
You must help your children to reduce the time they watch TV, video games, the Internet, and everything that comes with prolonged sitting! And limit all kinds of these activities to no more than two hours per day. Of course, it is preferable to remove any screens, whether TV or computer, from the bedrooms, including mobile phones. Studies have shown that the use of computers, mobile phones, and TVs at night affects children's sleep, and thus affects their health, mood, school performance, and certainly their weight.
6. Increase the hours of sleep
You must make sure that your child gets enough hours of sleep, in addition to the importance of sleep for the growth of the child and the development of his brain, it is also important to maintain a healthy weight. Some studies have found that children who get fewer hours of sleep are more likely to be overweight and obese. Also, lack of sleep can affect their behavior and mood.