Teen Depression: Prevention Starts With Parental Care
Teen depression can affect nearly every aspect of your child's life. Make sure you understand what you can do to help prevent teen depression, including possible psychotherapy.
Teen depression is a serious health problem that can lead to long-term physical and emotional challenges. And while there's no surefire way to prevent teen depression, you can take simple steps to make a difference. To start from today.
Teen Depression - Provide unconditional support
A strong parent-child relationship can help prevent depression.
To establish and maintain a positive relationship with your child, you can:
- Set aside time every day to talk to the child
- Find out what makes your child anxious
- Encourage your child to express his true feelings
- Recognize your child's achievements and praise his or her strengths, whether it's academically, hobbies, sports, relationships, or other aspects
- Provide positive feedback when you notice your child's positive behavior
- Prepare and eat meals together
- Respond to your child's anger with calm rather than severity
If your child is unwilling to talk, spend time with him or her in the same room. Even if you don't talk to each other, a situation in which a child feels cared for and loved may be worth hundreds of words.
Teen Depression - Be sure to strengthen friendship and social relations
Encourage your child to spend time with friends and engage in routine activities.
Peer experiences, positive experiences, and strong friendships can help prevent depression. Playing team sports or participating in other organized activities can also help; By enhancing the child's self-confidence and increasing his or her social support network.
At the same time, the child will be alert to potential problems associated with an early acquaintance. Even the usual emotional experiences, such as banter and dating, can be challenging for teens; It may contribute to symptoms of depression.
Teen Depression - Monitor media usage
Be wary of movies and TV shows that feature perfect characters and situations. If your child routinely measures himself against an impossible ideal, the result may be disappointment or depression.
Repeated exposure to negative or violent content may also exacerbate feelings of depression, perhaps by reinforcing a negative or fearful view of the world.
On the other hand, some research suggests that reading in adolescence may have the opposite effect. And it may offer relief against depression.
Encourage him to do physical activity
Regular physical activity may be; Regardless of the intensity level of the activity; A role in reducing depression and anxiety in adolescence.
For teens, the US Department of Health and Human Services recommends 1 hour or more of physical activity per day. This includes aerobic activities; such as running, swimming, walking, and skipping rope; and muscle-strengthening activities, such as rock wall climbing or weightlifting.
Promote good sleep
A good night's sleep can help your child feel healthy, both physically and emotionally.
A recent study reported that teens whose parents forced them to sleep at or before 10 p.m. were significantly less likely to be depressed than teens who went to bed in the middle of the night or later.
In addition to a consistent bedtime, also consider other principles of good sleep; Such as following a consistent bedtime routine, cutting back on TV, and so on right before bed.
Also, keep in mind that the relationship between sleep and depression goes both ways. Lack of sleep may increase the risk of depression, And depression itself can make sleeping difficult.
Consider psychotherapy
Family-based depression prevention programs can; Often using a type of psychotherapy known as cognitive-behavioral therapy; Helpful, especially when there is a family history of depression.
During treatment, a mental health provider may help you and your child:
- Recognizing depression
- Develop skills to deal with stress in a positive way
- Communicate with each other in a more effective way
- Understand the potential impact of stress and depression on a person's life
Consult your mental health provider about the options and which ones are best for your child.