9 Reasons for a Late Pregnancy in a Woman
1. Hormonal disorder
Hormones are responsible for much of the health or malfunction of the body's internal organs. The cause of fertility problems in women may be a hormonal disorder.
Whether its increase or decrease results in the non-occurrence of the hormonal changes required for the completion of the ovulation process inside the uterus, which results in reproductive problems.
2. Blockage of the fallopian tubes
The fallopian tube is the mediator between the ovaries responsible for producing eggs and the uterus that receives the egg after fertilization. Obstruction of the duct of this tube is one of the biggest fertility problems in women.
This blockage may occur due to infection or due to some medical surgery in the uterus.
3. Uterine problem
For the fertilization process to take place properly, the sperm must reach the egg, fertilize it and then move into the uterus until the process is successful.
Some women suffer from some health problems in the uterus that prevent the sperm from reaching the uterus, and therefore there is a problem with the woman’s fertility and the incomplete pregnancy itself.
4. Ovarian cyst
It is a medical condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, in which a hormonal imbalance occurs that leads to an increase in the proportion of male hormones and thus causes major disturbances in the hormones responsible for the pregnancy.
This is what affects or prevents the ovulation process itself, as it is one of the most common problems that women suffer from.
5. Fibroid
There is a type of benign tumor called fibroid that affects the uterus in some women, which results in the growth of tumor cells in a large amount in the lining of the uterus, which hinders pregnancy.
A fibroid is one of the most common fertility problems in women. Some simple medical surgeries get rid of this benign tumor and after a period of treatment, women can try to get pregnant again.
6. Cervical obstruction
Some women suffer from a medical condition called cervical obstruction, which occurs due to the lack of secretion of the mucous substance that is supposed to help the movement of the sperm until it reaches the uterus in a normal and healthy manner.
7. Egg growth
It is one of the common problems of infertility among women. Some women do not develop the egg inside the uterus properly, so it is not completed and is not ready for fertilization, which leads to a natural reduction in the incidence of pregnancy.
8. Malfunction of the corpus luteum
The corpus luteum or the luteal phase is a phase of the menstrual cycle, which begins before menstruation and ends after ovulation, but some women suffer from a defect in the way it works.
In this case, the uterus does not produce the appropriate amount after ovulation, so there is no chance of ovulation healthily, and the uterus is not able to receive any fertilized egg, and the pregnancy is not completed in this case.
9. Unhealthy lifestyle
There are some environmental and lifestyle factors that cause fertility problems in women, such as:
Chronic exposure to metals and chemicals
Continuous and chronic exposure to some metals and chemicals that are found in the work environment, such as factories or medical laboratories, may affect the menstrual cycle.
This causes some disturbances in the hormones responsible for ovulation and results in difficulty conceiving and low fertility in many women.
One of the biggest negative effects of smoking is the reduction of women's fertility and reproductive problems that reach the point of malformation of the fetus.
Smoking does not affect the eggs, but it makes them weak and weak, so the egg of a smoking woman at the age of 35 is the same as the egg of a non-smoking woman at the age of 42, and therefore it is not easy to fertilize the egg or continue the pregnancy.
Excessive drinking of alcohol
Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages affects the level of estrogen, which is produced in large quantities by the ovaries. Alcohol intake also causes some abnormalities in fetuses and negatively affects the fetus in cases that sometimes lead to its death.
Neglecting regular checkups
In any case, some medical tests should be performed that will easily identify fertility problems in women>
The earlier and comprehensive the examination, the higher the chances of a cure for fertility problems involving the uterus, hormones, or ovaries using prescription drugs or minor surgery.
It should also stay away from some wrong lifestyles such as excessive alcohol consumption or smoking.