Valerian benefits: Better sleep and stronger health !


Valerian benefits: Better sleep and stronger health 

 If you suffer from sleep problems and disorders, you should eat valerian, as this exotic plant helps improve sleep quality. What do we know about the benefits of valerian specifically? Details from here.

Valerian benefits: Better sleep and stronger health!

We will learn about valerian (Valeriana officianalis), or what is known as valerian, and the most important information about this strange and useful plant in the following:

What is valerian?

It is a flowering plant that you often find in the continents of Europe and Asia, and most of the benefits of this plant are concentrated in its roots that are dried and used in medicinal treatments because they contain a wide range of important substances and nutrients, especially antioxidants.

The most common use of valerian is as a natural sleep aid, due to its natural anesthetic effect.

valerian benefits

There are many amazing health benefits of valerian, and these are the most important:

1. Improve sleep quality

As we have already mentioned, valerian is often used to help sleep, especially by people who suffer from sleep difficulties and disorders and to get rid of interrupted sleep constantly.

Valerian helps to stimulate relaxation and a feeling of drowsiness and the desire to sleep.

It is worth noting here that you should pay attention to the dose taken from valerian for the purpose of sleep, as the effect of this hypnotic herb is very strong.

2. Reduce hypermobility

The problem of hyperactivity or hyperactivity is increasing in an unprecedented way. A study has proven the ability of valerian root tea to calm the symptoms associated with hyperactivity and increase the ability to focus by reducing stress hormones and stress within the body.

3. Improve the health of the nervous system

The nervous system has many difficult tasks, especially metabolism, which makes it need a rest every now and then, and here comes the role of valerian roots.

Valerian helps to relax the body and improve the health of the nervous system, especially in those who suffer from diseases related to the nervous system such as: neuropathy and facial paralysis.

4. Get rid of insomnia and stress

Regular use of valerian helps restore the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, which reduces the levels of stress hormones in the body and allows the body to get the rest and relaxation it needs.

Valerian root tea also helps to get rid of headaches and migraines, because it contains anti-inflammatory properties that calm the inflammation in the capillaries and reduce blood pressure in them.

5. Improved heart rate

Valerian is considered one of the beneficial plants for the heart in particular and the circulatory system in general. Valerian contains substances that help improve the flexibility of blood vessels, and improve blood flow in them.

Valerian also works to strengthen the heart muscle and improve the heartbeat due to its anesthetic and sedative properties.

6. Other benefits

It also has many other benefits, including:

Relief of premenstrual syndrome symptoms.

Fighting Parkinson's disease.

Reducing menopausal symptoms in women.

Improve symptoms of restless leg syndrome.

Helping to treat drug addiction.

Cancer prevention.

Pain relief.

How to eat valerian

To get the benefits of valerian, here is the correct way to prepare valerian root tea in the following:

1. Ingredients needed

You need the following components:

2 teaspoons dried valerian root.

Two cups of water.

A teaspoon of honey or sugar for sweetening.

2. Method of preparation

Follow the following steps:

Heat the water until it's warm, but don't let it come to a boil because too much heat will make the nutrients in valerian lose their potency.

Add dried valerian root to warm water.

Leave the valerian roots to soak for 10 minutes.

Describe the mixture and then add honey or sugar to it so that the valerian root tea is ready to drink.

Dangers and precautions of consuming valerian

It should be noted before taking valerian, you should consult a specialist doctor to be able to know the correct and necessary dose in proportion to your health situation.

After you know the benefits of valerian, you should be aware of some of the risks and caveats associated with it mentioned in the following:

Valerian may cause some side effects, including:

Headache and headache.

Digestion problems and stomach upsets.

The appearance of results opposite the desired results, ie, more insomnia and stress.

Problems with the nervous system, so it is best to avoid it completely before surgery.

Valerian interacts with some medications such as antidepressants, anxiety medications, asthma medications, high blood pressure medications, and seizure medications.

Avoid taking valerian completely by the pregnant woman because it poses a threat to the health of the pregnant woman and her fetus, especially in the first three months, during breastfeeding as well.

Avoid taking valerian extract if you intend to drive after that, as this may cause you to become dizzy and increase your chances of a traffic accident.

Avoid taking valerian with alcoholic beverages.

Sudden discontinuation of valerian causes an effect similar to that of drug withdrawal from the body in some rare cases. If you take valerian regularly and decide to stop, you should do so gradually.
