Carrots and constipation

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Carrots and constipation

One of the most common problems we face daily is constipation. What is the relationship between carrots and constipation? Learn about it in this article.

Carrots and constipation

Many suffer from constipation, but what is the relationship between carrots and constipation?

Carrots and constipation

Constipation is one of the bad bowel movement disorders, as food is accumulated in the colon and does not move easily, which leads to difficulty in excreting, and lower abdominal pain, and adding fiber-rich foods helps to relieve constipation, and these foods include carrots, as each grain contains Medium-sized contains 2.3 grams of fiber in general and 1.2 grams of water-insoluble fiber in particular.

Also, the insoluble fiber in carrots is more important for gut health than the soluble fiber in the problem of constipation, thus clarifying the relationship that may link both carrots and constipation.

What is the relationship between carrots and constipation?

It is possible to clarify the relationship that may be associated with each of the jars and constipation through the following:

  • Insoluble fiber helps increase stool mass and moisturizes hard stools by drawing water into the intestines.
  • Eating carrots in moderate quantities helps to make bowel movements more regular and comfortable, and reduces the pain associated with constipation.
  • Fiber increases stool bulk and makes it softer
  • Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, which increases bulk and moisture in the stool.

It should be noted not to overeat carrots to avoid the symptoms of gas and 

bloating, as the moderate amount of carrots relieve constipation, and excessive intake of carrots increases the problem of constipation.

Other foods useful for constipation

There is a group of other plant foods rich in fiber that reduce the problem of constipation, and these foods include the following:

  • Fruits: Berries, peaches, apricots, and raisins are among the best fruits rich in fiber, and to increase the fiber consumed, it is recommended to eat the peel as well.
  • Whole grains: Whole grains include: oats, brown rice, whole wheat, quinoa, and barley. It is also recommended to avoid eating white flour and white rice.
  • Vegetables: All leafy green vegetables with stems and roots, including the skin of potatoes.
  • Nuts: such as walnuts, almonds.
  • Seeds: Many types of seeds are excellent sources of fiber, and you can add them to smoothies and salads. Chia seeds, ground flaxseeds, and selenium are among the most popular.
  • Legumes: such as chickpeas, soybeans, lentils, and beans are good sources of fiber, and you should avoid legumes if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, to avoid any complications.

Health benefits of carrots

There is a range of health benefits of carrots, as carrots are rich in proteins, fibers, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that support the body’s systems, and these benefits include the following:

1. Improve eye health

Carrots contain vitamin A, which improves vision and antioxidants that reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

2. Support digestive health 

Carrots contain one of the antioxidants, carotenoids, which work to maintain intestinal health and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

3. Adjust sugar levels

Since the glycemic index of carrots is relatively low, it provides the body with a few calories.

4. Maintaining the health of the circulatory system

The nutrients in carrots reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels and prevent heart attacks and heart disease.

5. Strengthen the immune system and bone health

The minerals and vitamins in carrots increase bone hardness and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and vitamin C increases collagen production, which repairs wounds in the body, and increases the ability of immune cells to fight disease.
