Softening of hard stools

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Softening of hard stools

Constipation can cause hard stools that are difficult to pass, which is common since most people experience hard stools every now and then. How can hard stools be softened and prevented?

Softening of hard stools

After eating a meal, the body begins the process of digestion during which the digested food moves through the colon, which absorbs the excess water from it.

But when the movement of food is slow, it allows the colon to absorb more water from it, which leads to the production of stools that are hard, dry, and difficult to pass.

Some people may suffer from hard stools from time to time, and this problem may be chronic because the digestive process is characterized by a very fickle and variable nature.

There are some ways to solve this problem, so let's take a look at some ways to soften hard stools. 

Instructions for softening hard stools

There are many changes that you can make to your diet and lifestyle that are likely to help solve this problem, the most important of which are to soften hard stools: 

When you drink a lot of water, this increases the amount of water in the digestive system, softening the stool and making it easier to expel. There is a general rule that when urine is pale yellow, this indicates that you are drinking enough water. 

There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber increases stool bulk and helps relieve constipation quickly if you drink enough water with it.

This helps move stool through the digestive system, and it also helps speed up the excretion of toxins from the body.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water, thus softening the stool, which is abundant in many fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, flaxseeds, and chia seeds.

Physical activity may stimulate a bowel movement and help soften hard stools.

Sometimes, massaging the stomach area may help stimulate the intestines if its movement is not enough, which speeds up the digestion process. 

It is important to eat foods rich in sorbitol, such as peaches, apples, and strawberries, as this substance draws water towards the stool, which softens it and facilitates its removal from the body.

It is necessary to have a balance between the types of bacteria in the digestive system to digest food efficiently, but when an imbalance occurs in this balance, it causes constipation, so we advise you to eat milk as it helps restore the balance of intestinal bacteria, which works to combat the formation of hard stools.

You can try laxative supplements that make stools softer and easier to pass, or you can try probiotic supplements.

Probiotics supplements are bacteria and yeasts that are similar to the microbes found in the intestine naturally, and they help relieve cases of diarrhea and constipation, but it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking these supplements.

Have coffee  Melina effect slightly, so adding a cup or two of coffee to your daily diet may maintain the regularity of the output process, and if you're already drinking it may need to increase a little quantity, or it may be your body accustomed to its impact.

Eating regularly helps stimulate bowel movements continuously, thus improving digestion.

Medically soften hard stools

Following the above procedures may not be as effective, so people may see a doctor for one of the following laxatives: 

1. Stimuli or stimuli

These medications help increase contractions in the intestine, making it easier to move and push out.

2. Osmolar laxatives

These medications work by making more fluid in the intestines, which will also stimulate a bowel movement and move stools through it, but it takes several days before they have an effect.

3. Stool softeners

These medications work by preventing the colon from absorbing too much water from the stool, which makes it soft and easy to pass, and they are safe to use for most people, including pregnant women and the elderly.

4. Laxative oils

It is taken orally, it promotes bowel movement by coating the stool as well as the intestine with a waterproof layer, which keeps the stool moist and facilitates its movement, but it should not be used for more than two weeks.

5. Enemas or suppositories

They contain an amount of water that helps soften hard stools, stimulate bowel movement and contraction, and push stool out, like glycerine suppositories.
