Causes of loss of sense of taste
Loss of taste means the inability to distinguish the taste of food, and it can occur partially or completely depending on the cause of its occurrence, and it may be temporary or last for a long time and requires a doctor's consultation.
The following are the main causes of loss of sense of taste.
1- Infection with some diseases
Some diseases can cause a loss of the sense of taste when infected, such as:
The presence of a bacterial infection in the airway, mouth, or ear.
Loss of taste may indicate a viral infection of the nose, throat, or sinuses, or otitis media.
Loss of taste and smell is one of the symptoms that accompany infection with the emerging coronavirus, as the coronavirus can have some direct effect on the sense of taste, and this may be the first sign of disease, and it may be the only sign.
It is known that respiratory viruses, including cold and flu viruses, can sometimes lead to anemia, a health problem associated with loss of taste.
2- Head injury
A blow to the head can affect the nerves associated with taste and smell,
resulting in a loss of taste and smell.
3- Mouth abscess or other dental problems
Oral and dental problems such as gingivitis and others can occur as a result of lack of attention to hygiene, and in the case of an abscess in the mouth, it may lead to a change in taste, and dental problems may cause a bad taste in the mouth, and affect the natural taste of food.
4- An early sign of a health problem
In some people, a change in taste or smell can be an early sign of a disease such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.
5- A side effect of a used treatment
Some medications can affect the taste buds, and some treatments need to put different chemicals into the saliva, causing the sense of taste to become impaired. The most prominent of these drugs are:
- Blood pressure medications: They can reduce sensitivity to foods, or make the mouth taste metallic, which affects the normal taste of foods.
- Antidepressants or antihistamines: These medicines cause dry mouth, and so may reduce the feeling of different flavors.
- Antifungal and infection medications: These medications may cause a temporary loss of taste.
- Heart medications: Some heart medications can interfere with your sense of taste and smell. In this case, talk to your doctor to look for alternative medications that do not affect your sense of taste.
- Cancer treatments: whether chemotherapy or radiation, which can affect the taste buds and the glands that make saliva and the sense of taste usually returns to normal gradually after treatment is completed.
6- Aging
With age, flavors become harder to sense, and women may begin to experience a reduced sense of taste during their 40s, and for men, this change can occur in their 50s.
Some foods may taste weak, such as sweet or salty foods, and bitter or sour things can be difficult to taste.If the sense of taste decreases with age, it is recommended to consult a doctor to make sure that it is normal and related to changes that occur in body functions and is not related to a health problem that needs treatment.
7- Smoking
Smoking can reduce the ability to taste and feel different flavors because it contains tobacco, which affects the taste and affects the sense of smell.
But if you stop smoking, your sense of taste can return to normal again.