Foods that contain more calories than you expect
Here are the most prominent of these foods as follows:
Foods that contain high calories
Here are some unexpected foods that contain a lot of calories:
1. Salad sauces
Salad is characterized by its low calories, but if you add a sauce to it, its calories will increase without knowing it.
For example, two tablespoons of ranch dressing contain 130 calories, and two tablespoons of Thousand Island dressing contain 120 calories.
Therefore, it is advised not to add these types of sauces to the salad, and to replace them with healthy additions with a distinctive flavor, such as olive oil and balsamic vinegar.2. Cream of coffee
A cup of coffee without additives contains only two calories, but if you add coffee whitener to it, its calories can increase to about 35 calories.
A regular cup of coffee daily with the addition of 2 tablespoons of coffee whitener, means that you eat an additional 490 calories per week.
3. Avocado
Avocado has many benefits for the body, as it is rich in healthy fats, but it is not recommended to eat a lot of it because it causes weight gain due to its high-calorie content.
The number of calories in a large avocado is about 322 calories, so a few of them can be satisfied, and you can add avocado salad to be mixed with other healthy foods, to get its benefits without eating too much of it.4. Dried fruits
Dried fruits, such as raisins, are one of the most calorie-rich foods, as a large number of sugars are added to them, and therefore a lot of eating causes weight gain.
For example, 100 grams of raisins contain 299 calories.
To get the benefits of dried fruits or fruit juices, it is recommended to eat small amounts of them or replace them with fresh fruits to eat larger quantities.
5. All kinds of grains
Although whole grains are important for health and lower in calories than processed grains, this does not mean that they are low in calories, for example, a cup of brown rice contains about 218 calories.
It is recommended to eat foods made from whole wheat flour, but not to overdo it, as whole grains are an important component of the body.
6. Honey
Honey provides the least harmful natural sugar, but in the end, it contains an amount of sugar, and this means that it causes weight gain in the event of a lot of consumption, and therefore it is advised not to add it to various drinks instead of sugar.
To get its benefits, it is recommended to eat a teaspoon of honey daily in the morning, as it gives the body the energy needed for activities.7. Popcorn
Popcorn is one of the healthy and light meals that can be eaten when feeling hungry, but without adding oil and a lot of salt to it, because these additions raise the percentage of calories in it.
To avoid weight gain resulting from eating popcorn, it is preferable to make it at home to ensure that its calories are low, while popcorn that is made outside the home usually contains a large percentage of calories.