CSIRO Diet Benefits for Weight Loss
The CSIRO diet is a diet based on eating foods that contain proteins, which make you feel full, so you may not have hunger attacks. What are the benefits of this diet and how it works to reduce weight?
You may want to reduce your weight effectively, in addition to burning belly fat and reducing your waist circumference for a few centimeters, and this can be achieved by following a diet issued by the Australian Scientific Organization for Scientific
Research CSIRO, and thus this organization specializes in the field of weight loss and maintaining health. The CSIRO diet extends for 12 weeks to reap the results, as it helps in losing weight by 8 kilograms per week, and eliminating excess fat around the waist and abdomen.According to nutrition experts, this diet is considered a proven weight loss system, and it is by nature nutritionally balanced, containing proteins and a low level of fat. It is these health characteristics that will change your view of weight loss. So why do we always look for ways and diets to ensure that we lose weight and get a slim body?
The importance of losing weight
It is very important to know our weight, because the excess weight may cause many health problems, such as the emergence of heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, and osteoporosis, and it can also cause infertility, and the inability to resist type 2 diabetes and all of these Manifestations are related to obesity. Regardless of the health considerations caused by being overweight, your body doesn't need to be skinny to be called a healthy body but maintain your normal and reasonable weight, and then you will feel the difference. It is preferable to focus on losing excess weight in the early stages of the diet.
CSIRO. Diet Features
It is worth noting that this method is a high-protein, low-fat diet, unlike other common protein diets that you have heard about, and it is not specifically a low-carb diet, as it contains a moderate amount of carbohydrates that break down slowly. It is known that carbohydrates are necessary to provide the body with energy and to maintain blood sugar levels. Diet may prevent you from eating the foods you always want to eat, but in return, you will not suffer from hunger attacks and you will be healthy.
It may not be recommended to follow a completely fat-free diet, because the body requires a certain amount of unsaturated fats, which are concentrated in nuts, olives, seeds, as well as avocados, and these fats support in improving the performance of the body.
The CSIRO diet depends on providing the body with proteins, it is rich in lean red meat, chicken, fish, dairy products, and eggs. The mineral is useful in developing the performance of the body and brain and helping to transport oxygen between the parts of the body, and red meat provides the body with unsaturated fats of the type omega-3 and is also rich in zinc, which helps in strengthening the immune system.
Because the body can absorb zinc and iron from meat and better from plants, red meat appears on the diet menu four times a week, and the Australian Department of Health has advised eating red meat 3 or 4 times a week. Besides red meat, fish and seafood are also important sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain a healthy heart. Also, dairy products that include low-body milk, yogurt, and cheese are products rich in proteins, and some vitamins, the most important of which is vitamin B12, as well as calcium. Eating 2 or 3 units of calcium may help strengthen bones. Eggs also contain proteins, EDA, and B vitamins. Eggs may also contain minerals that contain relatively small amounts of saturated fats, including iron, phosphorous, and zinc, which are important sources of antioxidants.
It is reported that protein-rich food gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, and this is what distinguishes the CSIRO diet, which is rich in foods containing proteins, which are concentrated in lean red meat, chicken as well as fish, and these foods prevent hunger attacks, thus feeling full and full.
CSIRO. Diet List
The CSIRO diet includes the following list of meals:
- Breakfast: It is recommended to eat ¾ cup of whole morning cereal, in addition to drinking 250 ml of low-fat milk, as well as a sliced banana.
- Lunch: This meal includes a sandwich of salmon and salad, which includes two slices of brown bread, two teaspoons of vegetable ghee, 100 grams of salmon, and half a cup of leafy vegetables.
- Dinner: In dinner, you may eat a quantity equivalent to 200 grams of beef, beef fillet, and half a cup of steamed green beans, and fried with a teaspoon of oil. You can also eat 150 grams of canned fruit, and 200 grams of low-fat yogurt.
- Between meals: You can drink tea or coffee with low-fat milk between the main meals, or drink soup, which has a low-calorie content.
Alcohol added to the diet
Scientific studies have proven that moderate drinking of alcohol contributes to improving the health of the body along with diet, so there is no need to abstain from drinking alcohol completely, according to their claim. These studies have found a relationship between moderate alcohol consumption (two alcoholic drinks per day) and a reduced risk of heart disease. The reason is due to drinking alcohol, which improves the level of good cholesterol, HDL, in the blood. It also helps remove cholesterol from the arteries to the liver and excretes it outside the body through defecation. Also, alcohol reduces the risk of blood clots.
Also, many types of research indicate that drinking wine in moderation can protect its owner from death, which may result from heart disease, but whoever drinks beer and vodka is a disease of death with these diseases despite drinking the quantity in moderation, and the reason for this difference may be because wine drinkers may practice Usually smoke less than drinkers of vodka and beer, or their diet is rich in fruits and vegetables as well as olive oil and fish. The additional protection may stem, in part, from other compounds in wine, namely phenolic compounds, which have antioxidant properties.
It is reported that alcohol may positively affect insulin sensitivity, which contributes to a better consumption of sugar, and this reduces the risk of developing diabetes and type 2. Moderate consumption of alcohol can also protect against dementia, and, likely, alcohol's ability to protect the body from diseases Arteries and nerves may be due to an individual's genetic makeup.